Tuesday headlines: All cool, momsthemorningnews.org

Israel bans Al Jazeera and raids its offices. Meanwhile, the blasting of Rafah continues. / Semafor, Al Jazeera

Thomas Friedman: MBS put his country’s worst religious extremists in jail, while Netanyahu put his worst religious extremists in his cabinet. / The New York Times [+]

Palestinian artists describe their daily struggle for survival. / The Art Newspaper

Unrelated: How to make newspaper blackout poetry. / The Kid Should See This

Zadie Smith on student protests: “The only thing that has any weight in this particular essay is the dead.” / The New Yorker

A woman whose mother self-immolated explains why people set themselves on fire. / The Los Angeles Times

In terms of cervical-cancer cases, a proving ground for the elimination drive is Alabama. / The Wall Street Journal [+]

An interview with the artist behind San Francisco’s controversial Tetris house. “I take it really seriously as a designer.” / California Sun

The new video for Washed Out’s “The Hardest Part” uses OpenAI’s Sora video model. / Vimeo

Rolls-Royce gets approval to build nuclear power plants in Poland. / World Nuclear News

A Dutch designer retrofits an old Volvo to run on fuel produced by a “plastics definery” mounted on the roof. / dezeen

American children in third and fourth grade are beginning to stop reading for fun. / Slate

In the UK, it’s “quite common” among some teenage boys to record their partners giving verbal consent before having sex. / The Guardian

A high-quality mother’s day gift guide. “Let’s just assume they are all cool moms.” / A Continous Lean

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