Wednesday headlines:

Ukraine says a third of all Russian warships in the Black Sea have been sunk or disabled. / Semafor

The ship that hit the Baltimore Key Bridge yesterday was also involved in a collision while leaving Antwerp, Belgium, in 2016. / The Guardian

See also: “The Baltimore bridge collapse is only the latest—and least—of global shipping’s problems.” / Vox

Switzerland becomes a model for “a highly effective, evidence-based policy response to a drug epidemic” by making methadone easy to obtain. / STAT

Donald Trump begins selling “God Bless the USA Bibles” as he faces four criminal indictments plus a series of civil charges. / The Associated Press

Unrelated: North Korea censors a BBC gardening presenter’s trousers. / BBC News

A deep dive into the contradictions between the public and private lives of Andrew Huberman, “the world’s biggest pop neuroscientist.” / New York Magazine

Why does the New York Times “Connections” game make people angry? Because its editor’s job “is to trick you.” / Vox

Social media challenges inspire thousands of teenagers to “take over” California malls. / Patch

See also: Sharon Olds’s poem “My Son the Man.” / Poetry Magazine

Your Wednesday long read is about how the threat of divine punishment shaped human civilization. / The Garden of Forking Paths

Watch: Person after person tries to fly over a set of 25 stairs in France. / YouTube

“Bach decides to win every which way.” Some praise for Bach’s cello suites with examples of what makes them great. / A Year of Bach

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