Friday headlines: What’s new is old

Bird flu outbreaks typically go away after culling poultry, but over the past three years the virus hasn’t died down, and in fact is increasing. / WIRED

Moira Donegan: How society’s failure to help an obvious victim of domestic violence led to Nicole Brown’s death. / The Guardian

Traffic data on the day of eclipse shows how people flocked to the path of totality. / The New York Times [+]

An advocacy group in Mexico is using deepfakes of missing people in efforts to coerce the government to help locate the individuals. / The Daily Beast

This week, Apple notified iPhone users in 92 countries that they were “being targeted by a mercenary spyware attack,” at first calling the attack “state-sponsored.” / TechCrunch

The only thing Humane’s AI Pin does reliably is tell the time; two years later, the crank-based Playdate gaming console has only grown in relevance. / The Verge, Engadget

A new excavation at Pompeii has unearthed stunning frescos as well as a mosaic floor with more than a million white tiles. / BBC

Jessa Crispin: “You are having a midlife crisis. It’s fine.” / The Culture We Deserve

Setting the retirement age at 65 was politically motivated—it was a way to get Social Security legislation passed when life expectancy was far lower. / Money

“In an attempt to banish Western cultural influences, authorities in the Republic of Chechnya are banning music they deem too fast or too slow.” / Hyperallergic

How attitudes toward “selling out” have changed among musicians over the past two decades—as to why, the answer has a lot to do with Napster. / Can’t Get Much Higher

“Pelicans will eat anything they can fit into their mouths.” / Boing Boing

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